Thursday 7 May 2020

i read somewhere... 7 november 2017...

i read somewhere:
"Every day, you have to wade through a relentless surge of soul-less facts.
The experience tends to shut down your sense of wonder.
Every day, you're over-exposed to cynical narratives that have been sucked free of delight and mystery. That's why you have to make such strenuous efforts to keep your world enchanted."
"The punk ethic is rebellious. It transgresses
conventional wisdom through "a cynical absurdity that's redeemed by being hilarious." Brian Doherty.
In the hippie approach, on the other hand, the prevailing belief is "love is all you need." It seeks a
"manic togetherness and all-encompassing acceptance that are all sweet and no sour; inspiring but also soft and gelatinous." Ah, but what happens when punk and hippie merge? Each moderates the extreme of the other, yielding a tough-minded lust for life that's both skeptical and celebratory."
“This is a massive awakening. We’ve already seen an awakening taking place in the last few years. It will intensify. We’ve seen marvellous demonstrations in a variety of different cities... I think that we have to have a real sense of commitment to being a hope in such a bleak moment. And we can turn things around.”
Apply all this as you wish and create your own revolution to ripple through universally. The time is now, now is the time. 

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