Monday, 26 September 2011

and love?

well, that is another subject to be discussed, written about, felt, or ignored, sabotaged, destroyed altogether...

especially, when it's new, a surprise, a gentle slap around the face, a ribbon or a butterfly in the gut, a tear or more in both eyes, here to stay for some foreseeable future and an almost reality... in endless songs and intensely honest prose?

when does one do then?
when it's been ages since any heart layers have been aired and flapped about?
when disappointment has set so deeply, it has become a norm; a habit?
when sadness is hovering permanently above the aura, like a thin, yet persistent veil?
when, the shrew needs taming and the careful attire is due for a serious unscrewing?
when the windows are open and the whistle of the wind and the rays of the sun rush and gash right in?

what would stav B say and do?...

answers soon, or not, till then... go through it until...